16種袋裝嬰兒食物 含微生物須全國回收




加拿大食品檢驗局(The Canadian Food Inspection Agency,CFIA)已在全國範圍內回收這些產品,更對該意外展開調查,未來不排除回收更多產品。

根據CFIA周六發布食品回收警告,Select Love Child Organics 及 PC(President Choice)Organics兩個品牌的袋裝嬰兒食物,各自有8款需要回收。





—- 廣告後繼續 —-


牌子 産品名稱 產品代碼 條碼符號
Love Child Organics Vegetarian Chili with Sweet Potato + Kale 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 85886000170
Love Child Organics Veggie Casserole with Lentils + Quinoa 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 85886000171
Love Child Organics Ratatouille with Lentils + White Beans 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 85886000172
Love Child Organics Pumpkin Risotto with Spinach + Chickpeas 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 85886000173
Love Child Organics Mango Chicken Stew with Spinach + Quinoa 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 85886000174
Love Child Organics Thanksgiving Dinner with Veggies + Turkey 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 85886000175
Love Child Organics Hearty Bolognese with Beef + Quinoa 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 85886000176
Love Child Organics Carrots strained baby food 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 060383172800
PC Organics Parsnip strained baby food 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 060383172817
PC Organics Peas strained baby food 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 060383172824
PC Organics Sweet Potatoes strained baby food 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 060383172831
PC Organics Vegetables & Turkey strained baby food 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 060383174408
PC Organics Fruity Chicken strained baby food 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 060383174415
PC Organics Spaghetti Bolognese strained baby food 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 060383193201
PC Organics Vegetable & Lentil strained baby food 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 060383193218
PC Organics Chicken Casserole strained baby food 128 ml All Best Before dates up to and including 2019MA25 060383193225


資料及照片來源: 星島日報,Canadian Food Inspection Agency


—- 廣告 —-